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         I can’t sleep or maybe I don’t want to sleep. I need to study so I can get an A on my test. I need to memorize. I need to watch my television show. I need to use the net. I need to check my Facebook and the NBA. I need to talk to my friend.  I need to play basketball. I need to go to the gym so that I could be fit. I need to do a lot of things for one whole day. No time for sleep? Maybe so.   
Are all of those necessities? Not for an everyday system. There is a big difference from what you need and what you want. Maybe those written on top are ways I want my day to turn out to be. But aren’t I forgetting the most basic necessity of my body?
I believe I need to sleep. I need to sleep for my body to regenerate. I need to sleep for my eyes to feel light. I need to sleep for my brain to work well the next day. I just need to sleep cause without sleep I cannot function how I am supposed to function properly. I am not a robot that doesn’t need any sleep. But here’s the thing even robots need to rest because if not their batteries would be drained. If a robot gets drained how am I, a human, be able to withstand a day without sleep?
Try not sleeping for a day or two. And I’m sure your body will give up on you someway or somehow. I am not challenging you to do so. But if you dare go ahead but as for me I’ll just sleep and have my dreams do the things I want in a day without sleeping.
Good night.


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